
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Beth's 100 Word Challenge - Week #10

The large, vicious truck charged at me in an angry motion. I stepped back even further then I slipped and fell into the water. Black!

As I slowly regained conciousness, I realised I had almost drowned, I swiftly swam to the top of the water.  I took as many breaths as I could manage whilst I swam over to safety.  I stumbled out, clinging to the side as I choked on the large amount of water that swam around in my mouth. I collapsed onto my back gasping for air.  I couldn’t bring myself to stand, I was too weak!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Beth, what a dramatic story. You have created tension using super wow words. \you have built up pace and this adds to the image of desperation felt by the character. Well done.
    Mrs Fairburn (Team 100WC)
