
Monday, 23 September 2013

What's YOUR phobia?

This week we are thinking about .....
. Our  'Finding Out' homework this week is to  research different phobias and come up with some of our own.

Most people know what Mrs Prior's phobia is!

What's yours?  Do you have any? Leave us a comment and tell us.


  1. Hello Mrs Prior my phobia is claustrophobia ( a fear of being in a small spaces and wanting to get out of them quickly). And I also know your Phobia Mrs Prior Arachnophobia ( a fear of big hairy spiders that are cruelling all over her desk). This is from Gaby in maple class.

  2. You are quite correct Gaby. I DO have arachnophobia!!
    I hope you don't get stuck in any tight spaces! Even worse - small spaces with spiders in there!!
    Mrs P

  3. It is obvious to say that Mrs Priors phobia is arachnophobia; the fear of spiders
    My fear at the moment is aqua-phobia. I am so scared to go scuber diving with the whale sharks!!!! Help!
    From Karis

  4. My phobias are Arachnophobia and Claustrophobia!
    From Lucie
