
Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Sam's 100 Word Challenge - Week 1

Hiding quickly I was scared, in my house it was pitch black nobody around no one. I heard screming next....AHH! Someone scremed. I looked around no one there but there was a noise it was asking me questions. Who are you? you don't belong here. I didn't like it at all. I try to find a light swich, then I found one but the light wouldn't come on. I wanted to get out of my house but the doors were locked. It was just me I needed a better hiding place but there wasn't any more. I went upstairs and found the light switch and it came on. Then I heard a crack.


  1. Sam you have tried really hard on your 100 word challenge this week. It has a very scary feel to it. I like how you have used a mix of long and short sentences too. Just make sure you check through your work to make sure you have used full stops or commas in the correct place.
    Well done.
    Mrs Prior

  2. Reading this made me feel scared for you and you built up the suspense really well. I wondered what had happened and it left me wanting more. This is a good thing! It is always positive to leave the reader wondering what happens next. Maybe you could make this into a longer story sometime?
    Well done for taking part this week.
