
Monday, 23 September 2013

Ella's 100 Word Challenge Week #4

The statue stood tall in the grey winters breeze. The face was red (with patterns). You could hear the screams from miles away.  The stamping could defain a soul. We all grabbed our sordes and ran after it to cut off the legs comeing from the top of his head like his hair stood on end.  Even though it couldn't walk, it could hop and shuffle, it was fast.  The legs at the top of it's head were shaking furiosly.  The frown was beginning into a darker smile.  Everywhere became black, all you could see was his white teeth glowing in the dark.

Ollie's 100 Word Challenge Week #4

The banging of the African drums grew louder as I wondered into the national park in Paris.  I was the only person there, and I was pretty scared.  The leafles trees swayed back and forth and the green light that shone on the trees and hedges was casting an eriee glow.  Suddenly the banging stopped.  A creepy shadow lay on the cobble stone ground.  I stumbeled over to the shadow and looked up.  What I saw horrified me... it was a statue.

Lucie's 100 Word Challenge Week #4

Hi  i'm Leon, i'm a statue but no one likes me because of my legs, well my hair.  Today is my birthday and Im now give I mean five hundred years old and still have no and I mean NO friends!  Everyone just laughs at me and my legs, all I want is one simple friend.  All I see is people walking past me, but today is the best day of my life.  Today two lovely boys called Owen and Louie came and sat on my lap, they took a picture and said they would stay, my new best friends.

What's YOUR phobia?

This week we are thinking about .....
. Our  'Finding Out' homework this week is to  research different phobias and come up with some of our own.

Most people know what Mrs Prior's phobia is!

What's yours?  Do you have any? Leave us a comment and tell us.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Beth's 100 Word Challenge Week #3

.....and then I saw it, a bright light, shimmering in the dark lit night.  I looked up: the light almost blinding me, I looked down, I slowly fell asleep upon the grassy, green mound.
I woke up again. It looked like I was in my room but I had a funny feeling it wasn't! I investigated around my room,.  I looked out the window. It was all black, there was nothing. This wasn't my room.  Suddenly a large three fingered hand covered my mouth and nose, causing me to pass out.

Morgan's 100 Word Challenge Week #3

I had just come out of Court. I thougt I would just go to prison but instead I was sentenced to death!  I only had a day to live and that day was in a prison cell. I could see lots of other prisoners in their cells wearing orange prisoner suits.  I wasn't aloud food or drink, the only thing I could do was think. I looked out my window and I could see lots of people getting on with their everyday lives but suddenly some guards took me out of my cell to my death.  A bag was put on my head and then I saw a bright light.

Louis' 100 Word Challenge Week #3

One boiling hot sunny day, I was on an adventure in a deep jungle. Tall trees surounded me, I heard monkeys shouting loudly and it hurt my ears.
Suddenly, BANG!!! All I heard was a huge bang in the distance. I cut down some bushes, and then I saw a bright light.  I ran, ran and ran like heyanes were chasing me!  I came to an old temple with drawing up the wall.
I walked in and pressed a collosal button that opened a wall.  In front of me I saw gold and diamond. I thought that was the bright light I was following.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Believe in yourself!

We have been thinking about our goals for the year and how achieving our goals can come down to self belief. We wrote this together in groups and put the ideas together. What do YOU think?

You Decide Your Destination

Just believe in yourself and that’s a good start.
Don’t think small, dream BIG!
Believe you can do it.
If you don’t you will not rise,
You will not succeed,
You will lose!
If life gives you lemons—make lemonade!

When you give up, you are beaten,
When you try, you win.
Have faith in yourself and you might achieve your destiny.
Think of your goal.

If you doubt yourself, you won’t achieve.
If you believe it can happen—it can happen!
You can bounce back when things go wrong.

Life is a rollercoaster—
You just have to ride it.
It doesn’t matter what other people say, just do it.

When you think you can’t do it, never give up.
Believe in yourself and always try.
Don’t let others push you down and dream on.
Never think small, always think tall.

Life is your choice
Listen to that voice
You only live once so make the most of it.
If you can read it, you can achieve it!

If you believe in yourself, you will succeed.
If you don’t, you won’t.

If you think you have failed, you have.
If you see the finish line, give it all you’ve got.

If life gives you opportunities, take them.
If there’s a chance, take it.
It’s your choice.

Everybody’s a winner.
Don’t let anybody put you down.
Your self-talk can’t beat you—think positive
Be yourself
You are your own person

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Alfie's 100 Word Challenge - Week 1

I left the Kayak, heading inland towards the sacred temple of Ramses II. Creeping silently towards the cave where the entrance was hidden, I looked into the pitch blackness, suddenly I heard a crack. I quickly span around to see a tribe of warriors charging, cursing me in foreign languages. I ran like the wind, they were blocking my way to the kayak. I ran further and further into he forest. Suddenly I heard the flowing of water, and I quickly changed direction to the sound. There I was, standing on the banks of the river, I was trapped, they came closer, closer and closer.....

Gaby's 100 Word Challenge - Week 1

This morning I woke up feeling really excited about today. Running as fast as I could down the stairs, I grabbed some bread, put them inside the toaster, grabbed the butter, took the toast out of the toaster and went outside. Happily walking to the bus stop to meet my friends, I was thinking about what was going to happen today.....I was thinking about seeing this awesome horror movie called Face Punch....We got to the movies and then we bought our ticket and our popcorn. We sat down in our seats. Suddenly I heard a crack.......

Oliver's 100 Word Challenge - Week 1

Running as fast as I could, I pelted through the dark forest. I risked looking back, and yes, they were still following. I put my hands in my pocket and pulled my sword out. It glowed even though there was no light shining through the leaves that belonged to the collosal trees. I hid behined the closest one and let the first monster pass, as soon as it had I jumped out and stabbed it in the back. No sooner had my bronze blade touched it, it turned to dust. I climbed the tree and watched them pass. Suddenly I hered a crack......

Sam's 100 Word Challenge - Week 1

Hiding quickly I was scared, in my house it was pitch black nobody around no one. I heard screming next....AHH! Someone scremed. I looked around no one there but there was a noise it was asking me questions. Who are you? you don't belong here. I didn't like it at all. I try to find a light swich, then I found one but the light wouldn't come on. I wanted to get out of my house but the doors were locked. It was just me I needed a better hiding place but there wasn't any more. I went upstairs and found the light switch and it came on. Then I heard a crack.