
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Lucas's 100 Word Challenge - Week 23

I made my way through the dense undergrowth, droplets of sweat trickling down my forehead. The gash above my leg was agonising but I still hobbled on, machete in one hand I clutched the damson ruby in the other. I found a cave. Its mouth was eroded and worn. Still I grabbed my torch and went down into the darkness. I cascaded into a huge cavern coated in stalactites and stalecmites, I was going to be rich. Suddenly the mouth fell in on me. It was as black as night with my little torch there as a shining star. The debris and rubble made a mountain of it. Pushing through the earth I made my way up...


  1. Wow that is a really great story Lucas! I wish there was more!! You should right a sequel!

  2. WOW!!! Amazing use of vocabulary (but I think I need a dictionary for some of those words) this story is very gripping and I want to read more.

    Ella :)

  3. WOW!!! Amazing use of vocabulary (but I think I need a dictionary for some of those words) this story is very gripping and I want to read more.

    Ella :)

  4. Hi Lucas I love your 100 word Challenge good use of descriptive words!! Bethan

  5. WOW!!! Lucas that's amazing. You've got a great use of vocabulary and you can make a big use out of only 100 words!

  6. Great story Lucas. It reminded me a little of an Indiana Jones type story. I love your carefully chosen use of vocabulary to really add to the description. I also like how you personified the cave. Well done.

  7. Wow Lucas- another amazing story. Looking forward to when you are a famous author.

  8. So proud of you Lucas - you are in this week's 100 word challenge showcase! !
