
Friday, 4 April 2014

Bethan's 100 Word Challenge - Week #28

A shrill cry echoed in the distance, as I ran like a cheetah though the woods. Blood

ran down my top as I had just killed her. Fresh, cold blood, just what the master


Until, I was stabbed. “But I thought I had enough time.” cried the ghost of my taunting

self. As my dead self lay there my ghost arose and headed off in to the distance.

“Master, Master I have the blood.” shouted myself.

“Who are you and where are you?” bellowed the Master.

“It’s me your hunter, I’m dead….”

1 comment:

  1. What a spooky story Bethan. I really like the beginning where you are killing for your character - The Master. I am left wondering who he is. Quite gory but very effective, well done.
