
Sunday, 5 January 2014

Bookfest shortlist book reviews by Bethan

The Skull in the wood

This book has a creepy plot and the backdrop of Dartmoor. The book ambles along at a steady pace, mysteriously you become drawn into the storyteller’s power.

As the mist rolls off the moor, dark things begin to happen when a buried skull is found in a wood.The two inquisitive children soon found themselves cursed by the gabblerachet (a great name but a dreadful nightmare). Dreadful things begin to happen as the curse begins to feed off their emotions. The only to stop the curse is to work together, but will it be enough………..or will the curse end up taking them all.

The Last Wild
Kester Jaynes, twelve- just about to turn thirteen, lost the ability to speak when his mum died six years ago. Now he lives in Spectrum Hall with other challenging children. Spectrum Hall is more of a prison then a school but then Kester  whole word is pretty unpleasant.

As people huddle in the remaining cities, the countryside is devastated and all the animals died due to the red eyed virus. At least that’s what everyone believes. But Kester is about to discover that at least one small group of animals has survived and HE is the one person can help them.   

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