
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Natasha's 100 Word Challenge Week #6

Looking down, I was surprised to see that I was in a diffrent dimention! It was amazing but then my hot air balloon slowly burst down, Suddenly I swinged across the sky.  I crashed down like a broken winged bird.
At that moment I heard something in the bushes, so I crept backwards fearfully.  Then a strange bright green monkey came out.  He had two huge eyes.
He looked humongesly scared, so I finaly said "don't worry, I'm friendly! Then he jumped on me and huged me.
I heard a loud noise. It was coming closer, so we both ran as fast as the speed of light......

1 comment:

  1. You have used the prompt words well here Natasha. I am very impressed with some of your sentence starters. I can tell you have thought carefully about some of your vocabulary too. Remember to check your punctuation and close speech marks.
    Mrs P
